The Art of Tor Gustad Molt
Artistic resumé (CV)
Artistic Statement
Artistic resumé (CV)
Artistic Statement
Circus Tornardo LIVE! @ Youngstorget
Self portrait without arms but with hands
Backpiece tat, revisited 70% finished at this stage
Couple with chains
Juggeling with Stars, giant
a Space Odessey, Judgement Day
a Space Odessey, Prologue
the Gluttenous
Ponyoak, a reconstruction
A situational report from the street
I dreamt I ate the world, #3
Putin as Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf
Putin as Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf, 2
The exact moment
9 thumbnails II
I dreamt I ate the world #1
Circus Tornardo - LIVE! @ Jernbanetorget
Circus Tornardo & Contemporary Art
Circus Tornardo @ Egertorget
Norways Got Talent 2010
Etter Dommedag (after doomsday), a graphic novel written by Jon Anders Klausen
a Space Odessey, Prologue - before flames being added
Ondheim, album cover
"the Fibonacci Dream - where one of the protagonists are contacted by the coalition of hands"
The Audio Portal - Backstage 5 into the production of my graphic novel
6 thumbnails
Self portrait under water #1
9 thumbnails
3D mask
Bookmania, the painting
A story from Graphic Novelworld, where the protagonist shares a sun
Velkommen til Ohm - the full piece
Heading for the wall
Interior Design - upper right corner
A Space Odessey, Epilogue
The Comedy Album - double LP by Kleenex Girl Wonder, 2015
Three self portraits
..og Jaken på Magefølelsen
the Redeemer
We are all selfies
Self portrait under water #3
Bless This Mess
Trophè - Sachiland Inglehndius
I dreamt I ate the world #2