- Created2016-05-22
Circus Tornardo & Contemporary Art
This was born in the aftermath of drawing my take on the Symbiosis - Youngstorget (the main square for gatherings on the international workers day 1st of may).
I found i could find other agents or locations to caricature - among them Contemporary Art. So this is the national Institution for Comtemporary Art - we have Narcissus making an appearance, a lot of mirrors and a tickets for a ride up towards the sky.
There is the now allready widely used aragram of ART becoming RAT - and we have one jumping on a trampoline marked with infinity.
sidenote ~ There is a KGW reference there ~ on the «bowling for bullshit» to a bull in a china store (Dieffenbachia from Let it Buffer. Which I went around and proclaimed a few times. I probably still will haha.)