Well, there’s a last time for everything - lower left corner
This is the second large scale drawing I ever did, following Interior Design, and I felt I wanted to be more controlled, a tightening on symbolis, a bit more focus. And so it turned political.
My favourite is the penis-tank in the lower left hand corner shooting live babies delivered by some sort of doctor. It then drive slowly over said babies. Note the antenna, and the Statue of Liberty figure at the far top standing with a remote controller.
Above this you can see a spider with 12 EU-stars, and some homeless people trying to catch some heat from a tv-show showing the end. Next to it we see a giant communist set in a cauldron with cement, all dressed up with medals, a dunce hat and a party whistle.
Above this floor, we have a part of the wall giving the shape of Africa, some dude taking cover while shooting with a syringe, someone attacking the American flag (which is bleeding out of some fat belly) with matches. A woman throws out an old tv-set connected to her through an umbilical cord, in the background one can see a McDonalds sign upside down.
On the right hand side we see at the bottom some coal shovelling dude working a furnace like grinder, with a man strapped to a torturelike wheel. There’s a giant intestine flowing out, shielding some fighters from syringal fire, but they are also assaulted by a handful of dildos.
Above this floor we see a suicide werewolf, a straight edger and some giant being commanded by some guy with a funnel-hat (funnel-hats being a symbol from the 16th century for quackery #Breugel #Bosch) wielding a banana and a cement mixer firing black flames (also appearing in the selfportrait «Catching the Wolves»)
In the middle piece, we have someone riding an animal, part pigeon with an olive branch, part snake. The riderwields an apple which is the main source of light in the piece.
So, clearly it’s a lot more cohesive imagery and focused symbolism going on here than Interior Design.