Velkommen til Ohm, detail B
a detail showing the top of the Trampolinian Institute (observed by two flying eyeballs, reference to the musical geniuses the Residents) and the Cradle filter raining punctuation marks down on the street.
There is also a trophe, or a prize with rewards. This is a little tricky, but the idea is that one should read the whole drawing not as you would normally, but in reverse - to get the story in the piece.

In other words: start in the bottom right, not top left as is normal (in the western mode of reading). the trophy shows a keyhole turned sideways with a note-sheet running down with an arrow going both directions. At the bottom bit you see a flowchart to guide the viewer to consider reading order.
And so, when this is understood the idea is that you get back to the trophy upon reading it backwards - and only then do you see the word at the top of it says "Sennep" which means mustard. And unlike a book or a comic which can be read both directions for different stories, mustard should never go the "wrong" direction... which is my pun played upon the viewer.