Velkommen til Ohm, delail A
This is the welcoming emblem into my world - a city called Ohm. It is also a city i have tattooed onto my back, arms and belly. It explains this image is meant to be read with a color coding (which aligns with the partitioning in the Pixar movie Inside Out). Certain central symbols are represented, like a Flow Chart, an Ankh, various tools, a lightbulb (= a great idea) and a fireplace (hearth, a place to gather, eat and get warm)
The sub title is "the trampolinian institute and the exercise of the chronological opposite". The trampoline being a metaphor for momentum, ideas gaining weight and/or colliding with other actors in the field.
The game of Chronological Opposites was taught to me during one night out clubbing in England. Basically, some people pranked me with trying to come up with whatever is the oppsite of something. One person would suggest something, applauded by the other as a brilliant suggestion. Whenever i suggested something, it was sometimes close, but never the right answer. A trap of ridicule that someone less than sober happily jumps into.