- Created2015-05-29
Circus Tornardo @ Youngstorget - top half
I was asked if I wanted to partake in a large exhibition with 214 other norwegian artists, in the annual drawing biennal 2016. The subject was Oslo -choose any location and as long as the finished piece is a drawing, you´good.
i chose the bit square in the town where everyone have gathered for decades on the 1st of may to march for their political cauases. And so it was obvious to me, that i had to lay the two sides in the anicent conflict betjene employer and employee.
From the left (but seen from the other side, the right) we have a sleeping giant that represent the upper class, the 3%, the lawmakers, the government and so on. I tried to come up with various symbolisms for their part.
on the right (the left of you stand on the other side), we have the working class. Spatula, representing burgerflippers, hammers mounted onto a bicycle pedal, symbolising the means of production, teeth (or loss of), drums in front of the 1st of may, labour day march.
In this detail we see in the streets surrounding it we have references to family like things, a teddybear, a transformer, a bucket with a spade. And far in the background we can see Ralph, Lizzie and George from the 80\90s arcade Rampage.