Velkommen til Ohm, detail E
This detail shows the portal/headset from the top-right part of the piece "Velkommen til Ohm", as well as a song coming from the room of elephants. The song is being led by a seatbelt-buckle, as a symbol for this seeking a lock to connect to. Utilizing stuff like an oldschool microphone, typewriter, a harmonica (both a traditional one as well as a jews harp) through the "song".
The pool, which is seated on top of the Ethos HQ have an advertisement poster saying "Samling i bånn" which can be translated to something like a "chain is only as strong as the weakest link", (directly translated "gathering at the bottom"). The pool itself can have cleansing abilities or it could be a brine for individuals to aquire certain abilities, depending on the contents of the pool.