An overview of the different forces, powerhouses, bad guys, saviours, anything 2
Ken Currie have made a series of paintings that planted a seed for my hanging to this personification of a feeling.

I had some extra space here where I could continue listing meanings and how the different images work in my graphic novel.
well - it feels to me like my symbolic corld carry an internal truth stemming from mathematics to musically to text or dance, anything powered by association. From here it must be sticking to whatever is the healthiest most wholesome, funny, satisfactive, an instrument the mind use images for remembering, sort of like "a mind palace".

Ken Currie
so I guess the various emojis heading this text could sometimes end up with different trinkets/items/features (sometimes shown here in either corner of the emoji), which in turn could also be tugging at certain colours.
Colours are a much used phrase used and grown on several areas of this world of mine; - a faction in production and infrastructure, a trigger to certain ancient powers and rituals, sometimes utilizing spells or incantations to invoke or evoke. Every Emoji aligns to at least one color.

the Hearts in image share the same traits as as Colour mining and Processing Capacity or as a Commodity. Component, Ingredients, Reagent, each transaction or process have a cost that could be intricate. This image is just for overview - a more detailed cookbook is still unwritten.
Each faction will have its own list of connections that adress if it is a working one, based on their respective traits; Preferred/Mastered/Exhausted/Depleted/Optimistic/Engaged/Incompatable
Thank you for reading all of this lol!